Sunday, March 7, 2010

Holy Thursday Midnight Pilgrimage

Be a part of the journey. Walk through Gethsemane with Jesus.

This is the third annual Midnight Pilgrimage journey sponsored by the Diocese of Joliet for young adults in college and in their 20s and 30s - and everyone reading this blog is welcome to walk with us.

Here are the details:
Holy Thursday, April 1, 2010
7:00 p.m. Mass, 8:30 p.m. Walk
The Cathedral of St. Raymond
604 N. Raynor Ave., Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Bishop J. Peter Sartain will lead the pilgrimage walk, beginning with a mass commemorating the Last Supper at the diocesan cathedral parish. After the liturgy, the Bishop will walk by candlelight to several churches in the Joliet area before midnight. This journey marks the first night of the Diocese of Joliet Year of the Eucharist - which will continue through 2011 to highlight the source and summit of the Catholic faith in the Eucharistic experience.

The Holy Thursday pilgrimage allows participants to walk with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane - to "stay awake and keep watch" before the midnight hour. The participants will visit various churches around Joliet for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. At each stop, there will be a short prayer service, led by the bishop, and time for quiet prayer.

There is no charge for this event. All young adults are welcome to walk with us (however, bus transportation is available for those who cannot walk - or in case of inclement weather). For more information, contact Paul Jarzembowski at (815) 834-4047 or

1 comment:

  1. Great that you've taken this Holy Thursday Visitation of churches to the diocesan level, Paul. I feel a closeness to this since our initial renewal of the custom at Holy Family, Inverness. Thanks!
